Film registration - Festival Imagésanté

Film registration

Imagésanté is preparing to celebrate its 16th edition from March 23 to 29, 2025 in Liège (Belgium). The call for films is launched for the Festival’s official selection, but also for its parallel selections.

Festival dates: March 23 – 29, 2025
Application deadline: August 30, 2024

The Festival International du Film de Santé – ImagéSanté is an international biennial event presenting some twenty documentary films on health-related subjects.

To register a film, you must :

  • Comply with preselection conditions
  • Fill in the online registration form
  • Send your film to the address indicated at the end of the registration form.
  • If your film is selected, please respect the rules of the Festival Imagésanté

Submission criteria :

  • Maximum duration: 120′; Minimum duration: 30′.
  • The film must be produced (or have its first public screening) after January 1, 2023.
  • Registration is free of charge
  • Film in English or French
  • Foreign-language film with English or French subtitles

Multiple entries are permitted.

Films can be entered in the Official Selection for the International Competition, Lifting Taboos or Lifting Mountains. The selection committee alone decides in which category a selected film will be screened. The names of competitive sections are subject to change.

Stay tuned to the Festival Imagésanté – Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn

Registration is now closed.