Penelope My Love evening – Caméo
For 18 years, director Claire Doyon has been filming Penelope, her autistic daughter. Composed of DV tapes, Super 8 reels and HD archives, Penelope mon Amour traces the relationship between mother and daughter through different stages: the shock of diagnosis, the struggle against it, resolution, acceptance and the discovery of a different way of life.
Date & Time
The screening will be followed by a meeting with Manon Leclaire, APEPA (Association des Parents pour l’Epanouissement des Personnes avec Autisme) coordinator, Amandine Renard, head of the CRAN (Centre de Ressources Autisme Namur) project run by ARAPH asbl, and Dr. Gianlucci, head of the CRAN (Centre de Ressources Autisme Namur) project run by ARAPH asbl. Isabelle Noël, child psychiatrist, director of Le Chat Botté, a functional rehabilitation center for young children with autism spectrum disorders.
With the support of APEPA