Le Juste Prix des Médicaments evening - Festival Imagésanté

Le Juste Prix des Médicaments evening

In Belgium, most medicines are reimbursed by social security. This system makes drugs accessible to all, since patients pay only a small proportion of the actual price of the drug.
Every year, the social security system devotes a budget of over 5 billion euros to this.

Drug reimbursement prices are negotiated between pharmaceutical companies and a commission made up of mutual insurance companies, healthcare providers and scientific experts. These companies, entirely free to set their own prices, refuse to disclose production and research investment costs in order to demand totally unreasonable prices and rake in colossal margins.

Pharmaceutical companies’ profits should not come before our health.

Solidaris has decided to sound the alarm. The evening will feature a presentation of the tool set up by the mutual insurance company to estimate the fair price of a drug.

Date & Time

Thursday 30 March 19:30


The Mirror City




Urbain Ortmans

Journalist, General Manager - News Director, Védia


Anne Hendrickx

Medicines Advisor, Solidaris Health Studies and Policies Department

Brieuc Wathelet

Solidaris political advisor, political advocacy and campaigns coordinator

Thierry Lemineur

General Medical Director - Head of Intensive Care - Clinique André Renard

David Gering

Communications Director - Pharma.be


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